Comments to David Mendosa's Blog 14-10-2006
The classic quote from providers is that they don't want the patient's data sent to their practice and their hope is that somehow patients will magically become more proficient and self-sufficient over time. Diabetes Centers simply don't have the resources to handle that kind of data streaming into their offices and they're not paid to deliver care between office visits.
That's why so much time has been spent conducting clinical research in this area to understand precisely what to do with the patient's data as a form of continuous care given all of the different scenarios (e.g. - newly diagnosed type 1s vs. a steady state person with type 2). There is clearly a level of sophistication required in the management of the data to optimize patient care while increasing clinician efficiency.
A real-time care management platform is essential for turning this raw data into a useful tool for each member of the care team, especially the patient. The burden does not reside with the provider. In fact, most of the patients using wireless meters today depend on our real-time platform for self-management as opposed to waiting for instructions from their provider.
Ultimately, the answer isn't this meter or that continuous sensor, either. It's how the data is transformed into useable information to improve patient outcomes and increase provider efficiencies. To David's point, until we have reimbursement in place, most people cannot afford to buy the cgms let alone the disposable sensors.
For future discussion, the best way to use a cgms is as a wireless device connected to an intelligent real-time system like GlucoDYNAMIX.
Another of David's points is that patients using diagnostic devices in a standalone mode aren't getting maximum value from their data. I've heard plenty of cgms users validate that statement as well when they talk about how much is lacking from the current generation cgms software.
This new category of meter isn't really about the meter at all. It's about a new approach to optimizing patient care through the application of real-time systems which also have the ability to "efficiently" engage their providers on an exception basis using provider-defined rules. For example: "...only send me information when...".
The proof is in the research that shows how patients are getting lower A1c's, fewer hypos, fewer extended hypers, independence, peace of mind, time savings, increased accuracy leading to better decisions by the team, etc... All because this category gives us an opportunity to develop systems that go beyond any single device and focus on transforming data into information which, if you do it right, ties directly to better care. Contrast this with the constraints of a publicly traded company that makes its money by maximizing profits from the sale of test strips or replacement sensors.
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