Texas Lions Summer Diabetes Camp
Hello Camp - Good Bye Sleep
Well, it's off to camp tomorrow. I wonder what I'll forget to bring this year? Hopefully it won't be something too missed. This is my third year at camp and I definitely look forward to it. Over 400 kids each year attend this camp and not one of them has to pay a dime. That's cool. I tell people who don't understand type 1 diabetes what's so special about camp is that for many if not most of the kids, this is the one time each year that they get to "let it all hang out". It's an environment staffed with so many excellent people who know how to spot lows and highs and take corrective and preventative action. The kids seem to sense this and maybe for one or two weeks each year, they act like a regular kid at camp. Off to packing everything I need... everything except for that one thing!
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